The document presented by Stratford CNR union reps to PM John Diefenbaker in Ottawa  

May 21, 1958

The Right Honourable Prime Minister:  Honourable Members of Cabinet:


We are extremely grateful for this opportunity of appearing before you to discuss our problem with you. We realize that you are all extremely busy men and, although we do not wish to take any more of your time than is absolutely necessary, we do feel the problem which we are presenting is a serious one and one which does deserve your attention.We have prepared the brief which has been handed to you and, with your permission, will read it.

As you are aware, we are representatives of the employees of the Canadian National Railways motive power shops in Stratford, Ontario, and we wish to lay before you the question of the future of this plant, not only as it affects those of us who work for the Canadian National Railways in this shop, but also as it affects the City of Stratford. The repeated statement of  various officials of the CNR to the effect that the Stratford shops will be closed in the near future is causing deep concern to us as employees and to our community as a whole.

It is fair to say that for many years, the CNR shops have been the City of Stratford, and Stratford has built its economy around this plant. The closing of these shops will have a most drastic effect on the whole business and social life of the community. It seems to us that some of the larger cities of Canada could afford to lose an industry of this size, but as this plant is our major employer, we in Stratford cannot afford to do without it. You may be aware that the majority of the employees in this plant have now reached an age where, due to present pension conditions in industry as a whole, it is extremely unlikely that they will be able to find new employment in other industry, and after having given the bulk of their working years to the Railway, the uncertainty of the future of the plant is beginning to seriously affect their morale and loyalty to the Company.

It is obvious that the problem of the CNR management with the Stratford shops is the current trend to complete dieselization of the system and complete replacement of the present steam locomotive. We realize that the advent of the diesel engine is another milestone in the march of progress, but progress should not be allowed to be the destruction of an entire community. It should rather be used for the advancement of society as a whole and technological advancement should not be the means of destroying the lives and aspirations of a large group of capable, skilled and dedicated workmen. We note with praise that your government has proposed the establishment of steam-generating electric plants in Nova Scotia and hopes through this means to absorb the coal of Nova Scotia and to guarantee the jobs of the coal miners in that area.                  

We are asking that some similar type of approach be used for our problem and that the investment in dollars and lives in the motive power repair shops be not completely terminated through the advancement of the diesel engine. We feel, for instance, that our plant is ideally situated and equipped to do such work as the repairing of road switchers and yard diesels used in the area shown on the attached map. This map is a photostat of a sheet in the CNR timetable for western Ontario. We also feel that new equipment required by the Railway could be built in our shops and should not be let by contract to private concerns. 

These are only examples of what could be done in our shops, but we bring them forward as concrete examples and believe that they will be accepted as such by you gentlemen, who we feel are as anxious as we are that a mere machine cannot be allowed to destroy people, but should be required to work for and to enrich the lives of those same people. Before developing the effect of a cessation of employment as the CNR shops in Stratford, we wish to say that we feel, that as the CNR is a utility owned by the people of Canada and under the control of your government, that we are in effect working for you, and that you can speak on our behalf to the management of the CNR in an effort to ensure that this great and historic shop need not close. We are not suggesting that you should order the CNR to leave this shop in existence, but rather through the co-operative effort of yourselves, the management of the CNR and ourselves and the employees that we represent , that some workable solution can be arrived at which would relieve the fear, anxiety and tension presently existing in our plant and in our community as a whole.

If we may, we would like to take the liberty of giving some indication of the impact on our City of Stratford, if the locomotive repair shop was to close down entirely.

Stratford is a lovely little city of about 20,000 population situated on the Avon River in the heart of western Ontario. It is a city of parks and gardens and owner-occupied homes. Stratford has long been known for its recreational and athletic pursuits and its teams have been noteworthy in hockey and baseball. It has the second oldest music festival in Canada and now, of course, is even more famous for the Shakespearean Festival which is now preparing for its sixth season. As citizens of this community, we are deeply afraid of the future of our community if our largest industry were to close.

Our reasons for this fear can best be established by stating that we have had a steady quiet growth but experienced no boom or sudden upsurge. The population has increased by about 3,000 in the last 15 years. It is perfectly obvious that with this relatively slow development, there is no large annual increase in the demand for labour, which would help to absorb the tremendous increase in the unemployed labour pool if the shops should close. We attached a list of the other employers in Stratford showing the number of fulltime male employees, and from this list it is perfectly obvious that none of these are large enough to offer any reasonable number of jobs to men laid off by the CNR. You will notice that the repair shops still have over twice as many men employed as the next largest employer.

Without belabouring the obvious, it seems to us that the levy of new locations for industry in 1957 was not as great as it had been in 1955 and 1956. Though the labour situation is not desperate, nevertheless it is serious and as was stated by all parties during the recent election campaign, some steps must be taken to find employment for those members of our communities who were unable to find employment during this winter. We in Stratford obtained several new industries from 1945 to 1956, but have had no new locations in the last year and a half. Partly for this reason and partly for the decline in construction work in the fall and winter, we now have about 1,500 people registered for jobs in the local unemployment insurance office. It seems to us and to our entire community, that at this time it would be extremely valuable to have some definite statement from the CNR that the shops in Stratford had something more that the short future which is predicted by top management of the railway. It is even possible that because of the uncertainty concerning the future of the shops, that new industries are afraid to settle in our community. Whatever the reason may be, it is quite obvious that there is at the present time no possibility of employing any reasonable number of men presently employed by the shops, if that plant were to close. The CNR shops employ almost 27 per cent of the men engaged in the City of Stratford in fulltime manufacturing, and our community is just too small to absorb this number of men without the greatest of dislocation amounting to chaos.

We do not feel the word “chaos” is too strong in this regard. The sudden or even gradual increase in the number of unemployed by 856 is more than can be absorbed in a city of our size. The payroll at the shops is approximately 30 per cent of the total income enjoyed by our citizens of about $12 million. The immediate and long-term result to people in service industries and construction,  as well as the effect on that host of citizens whose livelihood is gained directly or indirectly by the existence of the shops in Stratford can hardly be measured. For years, a large number of the high school graduates in Stratford have become employees of the CNR. This prospect would be lost, as well as many others. 

For a moment, we would like to discuss the effect of the proposed closing on the CNR shops on the city government. Our total assessment for 1958 is $20.6 million, of which almost $13 million is residential. Our 1958 tax levy will be about $1.6 million and the current outstanding taxes are well under $100,000. This must mean our city is being well run.

Of our CNR employees, 676 are homeowners in the City of Stratford. The assessed value of their homes is $1.65 million, or almost five per cent of the total residential assessment, and in point of numbers they represent 12 per cent of all homeowners.

Stratford’s city government is looking to the future and is expecting increased industrial growth but is deeply concerned with the expenses necessary for this growth because of the uncertainty surrounding the shops. Contractors are just now completing a new sewage disposal plant in our city and are just ready to commence an addition to our collegiate institute. These two developments will place our total debenture to just over $3.2 million. Our government is assured by the Ontario Municipal Board that this is not a large debenture debt in view of our assessment and annual tax levy, but the effect on this denture debt, if 676 homeowners are unable to pay their taxes is too obvious.

Because of the slow growth and settled nature of our community, we are well blessed with the amenities that go to make life worthwhile from the point of view of recreational and social facilities. All types of clubs are available to our citizens at the moment, but all these clubs depend in some part on patronage in order to carry on their operations. We in Stratford know full well that if the shops go out of existence in our community, many of these clubs will be forced to cease operations because many of these activities are supported in whole or in part by the CNR.

We mentioned earlier, the now world-famous Shakespearean Festival which exists in our community. The Government of Canada must recognize that this Festival is a truly Canadian venture for only recently the Government contributed $250,000 towards the building fund of the Festival. In the summer our community is crowded with outsider visitors and Stratford has become a real drawing card for tourists. However, the Festival depends in a large measure for its success on the co-operation of the people of Stratford, and if a large number of these are unemployed, it is quite obvious that they will have no money to attend Festival plays. On average, 20 per cent of the patrons of the Festival during any particular season are residents of Stratford or its immediate area. If 856 men in that community are thrown out of work, this percentage is bound to be deceased and the effect of this decrease on the Festival as a whole can hardly be calculated. We are assured, however, by the Festival officials that it would be a most serious loss indeed. We fear that if the CNR shops close, it may not be too many years before the Festival will be forced to close.

We believe that you will agree that it would not be entirely inaccurate or extravagant to say that if our largest employer were to cease operations, the effect on Stratford would be that it would become a mere shell of a city, broken in spirit and filled with despair.

Your own imagination can tell you that one of the nicest little cities in Canada would be turned into a shambles by the action of a major industry, an industry owned by the people of Canada. Can this government permit such a situation to develop? Has complete consideration been given by the CNR to the effect of its diesel program and announced plans on the men employed by the CNR in Stratford and on the City of Stratford? Surely, with all of its vast resources , there must be some alternative solution which will enable the CNR to attain its desired goal without completely ruining our community and ourselves.

May we for a moment turn to a history of the motive power shops through which we would endeavour to show the vital importance of this shop to the CNR system as a whole.

We have attached a sketch of the shops outlining in detail the alterations and additions that have been made since its first beginnings. In 1906, railway officials began planning extensions and additions to the plant in Stratford. In 1908 an erecting shop measuring 70 feet by 661 feet and containing 28 locomotive pits spaced at 22-foot centres was erected. Later, a machine shop measuring 105 feet by 616 feet was added with an overhead gallery measuring 45 feet by 616 feet, Later still, a boiler shop was added measuring 135 feet by 154 feet. A more modern turntable, measuring 85 feet in length, was installed at the rear of the repair shops. Locomotives are now brought into the shops by using this turntable.

All buildings are structurally sound and the main building is of solid concrete with reinforced steel girders as support, and overhead window lighting is in effect over most of the plant.

In the erecting shop, there is a 200-ton two-trolley, overhead travelling, electrically operated crane, a 10-ton, one-trolley overhead travelling, electrically operated crane, and a 30-ton, two-trolley overhead travelling, electrically operated crane. There are also 14 jib cranes suspended from steel-supporting girders. The machine shop is equipped with two 10-ton, one-trolley overhead travelling, electric cranes, and there are several jib cranes conveniently located throughout this department. The tender shop has one 25-ton, two-trolley, overhead electrically operated travelling crane and transfer table for moving tenders to and from various stalls.

The blacksmith shop has oil-fired and electric furnaces and power-driven forging machines to manufacture bolts and rivets. There is also a steam hammer and hydraulically operated cranes in this department.

The light repair shop adjoining the forge shop has two entrance tracks, each of which is equipped with drop pits and a pneumatic jack for removing and replacing driving wheels from locomotives.

In 1948 an annex was added to the south side of the erecting shop, measuring 50 feet by 538 feet. This annex was needed to keep abreast of heavier work being handled and also the lack of space in the shop as it previously existed. It seems foolish to us that the CNR could erect this building in 1948 and close it entirely 10 years later. A bay measuring 21 feet by 110 feet was added to the annex to accommodate washroom and locker facilities . There is one 15-ton, one-trolley overhead electric crane and several one- and two-ton Budgit hoists in the annex. This building is a steel frame with concrete foundations and brick walls. There are also motor-driven ventilators inserted into the roof.

Also in 1948, an addition to the tender hop was erected. This was an inspection porch measuring 33 feet by 50 feet over two service tracks and is of solid concrete foundation and cement-block construction. This added a further 1,650 square feet to the already expanded shop. In 1950 a lighting up shed was built, measuring 40 feet by 110 feet and covering two through-tracks with doors at either end. It also has two full-length open pits for inspection of locomotives.

The powerhouse contains four boilers. Two of the boilers are of a bent-tube type with 500 horsepower with 33,000 pounds of steam per hour, and were installed in 1949. The other two boilers are original equipment and are now held in reserve in cases of emergency.

The total area oif the repair shop with adjoining buildings such as casting shed, stores department, foundry, paint shop, carpenter shop and oxy-actylene plant is 313,200 square feet and covers a land area of 19.5 acres. We feel that the present capital worth of the plant property, machinery, equipment, etc., would be in the neighbourhood of 10 to 12 million dollars. Of course, the buildings and machinery could not be replaced at anything like this figure. In our opinion, all of the buildings and machinery presently in use are in an excellent state of repair. We have included here a list of the shop machinery in use at the present time in the motive power shops. 

The Stratford shop is divided into several metal trades and is equipped with up-to-date machinery to cope with any problems within the confines of these trades and we feel that the mechanical skill of our tradesmen in these crafts compares with tradesmen anywhere. This fact has been established over a period of years and the work that has come from the Stratford shop has been classified by senior officials of the railway with the best in the system. We feel that this has been made possible by the wisdom and foresight of early railroad management in introducing an apprenticeship training program whereby on-the-job training was supplemented by classroom instruction

The following is but a brief outline of the work that can be done in the various departments with unlimited possibilities over and above the items mentioned.

The sheet metal department produces all types of sheet-metal works, filing cabinets, office equipment, air conditioning units, etc.

The blacksmith shop is equipped to forge and shape all types of blacksmith work under the terms of this trade.

The boiler shop department is equipped to do all boiler work including the building and repairing of all types of boilers. This department can also construct ladders and smoke stacks and do all types of crane boom work and any other work ordinarily done by such shops.

The electrical department is quite capable of doing any type of electrical work such as armature winding, building or repairing electrical appliances, assembling, overhauling and installing such equipment as is necessary for coaches or diesel engines.

Machine and erecting shop employs machinists who are capable of building and dismantling all types of engines and machines such as cranes, pile drivers, rapid unloaders and all such equipment as is required to maintain the efficiency and operation of a railroad.

The pipe shop department is capable of dismantling and installing all forms of pipe fitting including diesel pipe work, copper and iron refrigeration pipe work and all pipe work for the construction of coaches and equipment.

The air brake department is staffed with men particularly skilled in all forms of airbrake equipment.

The truck department is especially qualified to repair and build all forms of trucks required for work equipment, passenger and freight cars, and diesel locomotives, etc.

We believe that from the above you can see that all work equipment from the entire system could be repaired and maintained in proper working order at the Stratford shop, and that this is one more possibility which we feel should be presented to the CNR management. We also feel and strongly recommend that all diesel work in southwestern Ontario to be done in the Stratford plant. From the map attached, you can see that Stratford is an extremely central point between Toronto and Windsor and between Lake Erie and Orillia.

We understand that diesel locomotive repair shops are to be located at Winnipeg, Montreal and Moncton, New Brunswick. This will leave the province of Ontario without a major repair shop although it is well known that one third of the population of Canada lives within 100 miles of the City of Toronto. This area has the highest general industrial development in Canada. All the automobile manufacturing plants are between Oshawa and Windsor and 22 cities are in this area, including the City of Stratford. It seems reasonable to conclude that this area is a logical one for the location of a diesel repair shop. Stratford already has the plant and equipment, and much more important, it already has a trained and experienced body of employees ready, willing and able to do this type of work. It seems perfectly obvious that if the CNR is to consider a diesel repair shop any place in Ontario, the only possible location would be in Stratford.

One more reason for locating a diesel repair shop in Stratford is the very real advantage of decentralization. We understand that to a degree, decentralization of plant and equipment leads to increased efficiency. However, it is also realized that there are many dangers and problems inherent in having a huger plant with many employees. There is always the danger of an accident stopping the entire production and, of course, there is the obvious problem presented by wartime conditions. We feel that our plant in Stratford is of a very desirable size from the point of view of efficiency, and also from the point of view of employer-employee relations.

The potentialities of the Stratford plant are unlimited, unequalled and unsurpassed in both the quality of labour and of machinery. Surely the investment of the Canadian National Railways in plant and machinery, the investment of men in their homes, the investment of the City of Stratford in its future, the investment of the employees of their lives in this plant cannot be disregarded.

For ourselves, our family and our community, we earnestly plead that the cause of Stratford and of the CNR motive power shop in Stratford be considered by you. We plead that for ourselves and for our city, a strong recommendation be forwarded to the management of the Canadian National Railways system that the Stratford plant be considered an integral part of the system both now and in the future.

Gentlemen, we appreciate the kind and patient manner in which you have received us. We are prepared to answer any questions which any of you may wish to ask us, and we rest assured that your human and humane consideration will be given to this problem so that the fear and apprehension now found in the plant, and the city as a whole, be dissipated and so that our entire community can look forward with renewed confidence and vigour. Thank you.


Stratford employment statistics as of Dec. 31, 1957